Brief History

Formally known as Muslim Fellowship of Singapore (Persatuan Muslimin Singapura-PERMUSI) in 1983,the association was pioneered by a group of Muslim graduates and undergraduates of National University of Singapore and Ngee Ann Polytechnic.

In 1994, PERMUSI / FELLOWSHIP was transformed into a full-pledged student organization called Fellowship of Muslim Students Association (FMSA).

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Term Break & Hari Raya Holiday

Assalamualaikum!! We're in the last ten days of Ramadhan. Alhamdulillah. Hope that everyone's Imaan has increased during the last 20 days. Insya'Allah =)
To all students & parents of YKI, please be informed that classes(including IQRA') will closed from 4th Sept to 19th Sept due to term holiday & Hari Raya. Classes will resume on 25th Sept. Insya'Allah!
Eid Mubarak to All !!!